Kuti signs for ProPlayersAgency
We are delighted to announce signing of Ademola Kuti, tall Nigerian striker born 1998’. Kuti was the first ever Nigerian player which was coached by the legendary Diego Maradona with lot of admiration and respect shared between each other all the times. We are excited about the future collaboration for upcoming years and would like to thank you for your trust!
Danilo Transfer to AEL
Danilo transfer to AEL Limassol, summer 2020.
-Tamas Kadar transfer to China Super League-
“ProPlayersAgency would like to thank Hungarian national team member and now already ex player of Dynamo Kyiv Tamas Kadar for professionalism and good work together with us over the last year. We wish Tamas all the best in his new journey in China” 🇨🇳 👍🏻
-Davor Zdravkovski signs for AEL-
“ProPlayersAgency is happy to announce that our client, U21 national team player of Macedonia Mr.Davor Zdravkovski have signed for AEL Limassol FC. Davor agreed 3 years contract with option to extend for 2 another years! PPA team wish Davor all the best and lot of success at new club!”
AEL, Ael Limassol FC, Davor Zdravkovski, Limassol, Makedonija
-Great news for PPA team-
“PPA Team is proud to announce cooperation with great player and big name in Bosnian football for over last 10 years! With 40 games and 4 goals for A national team of Bosnia and Herzegovina , great offensive midfielder SENIJAD IBRICIC has still lot to offer in the future.”
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-Leon Benko transfer to Dalian Aerbin FC (China)-
“Croatia national team player Leon Benko and player of the year 2013 in Croatia had successfuly signed two year contract for Chinese super league club Dalian Aerbin FC. Mr Damir Ostojic, licensed players agent and the leader of the whole opeation in China was successful in negotiation between Benko’s ex club HNK Rijeka (Croatia) and Dalian Aerbin FC in january. When it finally came to agreement between two clubs Agent Damir Ostojic together with best goal scorer in Croatia last year went to China to reach agreement and sign contract between player and the club. After 3 days of negotiateing player worth 1,5 milion euro finally passed medical check and signed contract with the Dalian Aerbin FC for the next two years where he will be one of the best paid players in the team.”
Swarovskistrasse 44 , 6130 Schwaz , Austria (EU)
Company registration number: 70917186 – Company UID/VAT No: ATU69070505
E-mail address: office@proplayersagency.com or info@proplayersagency.com
FAX number: 0043524222803 (no phone calls-fax only)
Company owner , Licensed Player’s agent (intermediary) Mr. Damir Ostojic